Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Once a year, around the September-October time. The 18th Ward Young Women get together to play volleyball against the other wards. Our team, is the peppiest, funnest, and best volleyball team in the stake. We are super supportive of each other, and don't make fun of people when they miss. It's funny because we even cheer on the other team!
Well, usually if you win most of your games you go to the championship. Guess who's going to the championship? That's right! The 18th ward!

Not to brag or anything, but we're pretty good.

It's mainly the Beehives who come, but we do have some Laurels and Mia maids who are regular players.

Also, If you haven't noticed we have a little tradition. We usually wear knee high socks! Just to show how peppy we are! Lets win this thing guys!